The strongest part of my project is color and relief. I used colors to match the shades of light. I used flat vectors to express my cartoon in an artistic way.
I could improve on the glasses. I could have used the pen tool instead of the blob brush tool. The glasses could be more precise.
I used the pen tool, blob brush, and gradient tool. I used the pen tool to create flat vectors, I used the blob brush tool to create the glasses, and I used the gradient tool for the background.
The only difficult part was when I started it, I did not know where to start. I demonstrated the objectives by making this cartoon out of flat vectors.
If I could do this again, I would make a detailed background.
My Rating: 8
I could've done better, I could've made a detailed background and made the glasses with the pen tool.
Cartoon Creativity:4
Pen tool:4
Craftsmanship: 4